Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Josh - Eagle Scout!!!

Congrats again to Josh for attaining the Eagle Rank! Josh had his court of honor back in May. He currently serves as the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 900. Thanks for all you do Josh!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

High Adventure - July '10

The boys went to Cook Forest State Park in Pennsylvania for their inaugural high adventure trip this year. We considered it a great success and all reports show that a good time was had by all.
This is the last day of the trip. We had great weather right up until the end. It rained so hard we ended up ditching camp for a few hours. We ran into town (Clarion, PA) for some food and entertainment. Be sure to notice the flooded parking lot and the unfortunate car parked behind the boys in the picture above.
The rain caused us to miss out on our horseback right and t-bone dinner. We were able to find an alternative though...

The boys did plenty of goofing around during the trip to town. It was tough not to purchase these golf hats that came with a new set of hair.
The boys anxiously awaiting the kayak adventure on the mighty Clarion River.

Here you see Ben, Cody, and Nate taking on the challenge of assembling the PBJ sandwiches. Those tasted pretty great during a day of paddling.
Our first adventure of the trip was a 10 mile canoe trip down the Clarion River. It doesn't sound like a long distance. But the boys learned quickly that these things don't move very quickly. There were plenty of sore arms and back that night at the camp site.

Boys + canoes = swamped canoes. This was a frequent picture of the day. Good times!!!

A friendly game of domino's back at the camp site.
Gabe showing off his body art and teaching a unique way to keep the mosquito's away.