Friday, October 14, 2011

Campout - October

The scouts had a campout last weekend.  Activities included tin foil dinners, football, soccer, horseshoes, a sing off, whittling, capture the flag, and smores.  The well rounded breakfast included bacon, sausage, and donuts...  Thanks to the scouts who attended and the parents/leaders who helped out.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Scout Camp - 2011

I'd like to congratulate Troop 900 on a successful scout camp this year.  We attended Camp Falling Rock in Newark, Ohio.  The troop came home with a total of 76 merit badges.  26 of those were from the 11 year old scouts that only attended 2 days.  They worked hard, battled raccoons, ate hard, and played hard.  Dallin earned 11 badges on his own.  At the campfire on the final night our troop was recognized for a few things... Bradley for achieving the Climbing merit badge with a broken arm, Q for exceptional swimming.  The troop was recognized for earning 60% of the total badges awarded that week at the Handicraft station.  I also want to thanks the leaders who took time off from work and volunteered their time to attend camp.  I know the boys really enjoyed having them their.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kirtland Campout

Here are some pics from the Kirtland campout from April 23rd.  Thanks to everyone who went and braved the wet and cold weather...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Campout - February

We had a great time on the overnight campout at the gym at Deseret.  What a super turnout.  I think we had about 12 people there including a few visitors from outside the troop.  Thanks to everyone who attended.  The boys prepared a taco bar for dinner.  Good stuff!
Ian and Q helped prepare a breakfast of eggs, hashbrowns, sausage, and pancakes.
Jacob chipped in too.
Let's eat!
We tried our best to make the experience 'real' by setting up the tents in the gym.  It was good fun for everyone.
Nate opted for sleeping on a nice comfy cot.  Good call Nate!
Everyone chipped in on setting up the tents
Bradley and Stockton had it figured out in no time.
The rest of the night was full of soccer
more soccer
and more soccer

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Campout - November

We had a great campout in November at Lazarus with a solid turnout from the boys.  We also were able to break in some of the new troop gear that Rick Baumbach has been rounding up.  Nice work Rick!
Let's get things started Q!
Meet Cody!  Master of the fire pit
The troop warmed up around the fire.  Todd led the campfire program.  Who's the parent of the little kid on the right with no jacket on?
A nearby shed provided some entertainment
Spencer chipped in on taking down the tents
Rick and Josh working on the tents
Stockton and Q packing things up after breakfast
Jacob had the treat of hauling out some of the gear
Q helped out too...